Acupuncture is no stranger to sports medicine, having coevolved with the martial arts for over a thousand years. Many Kung Fu, Qi Gong and Tai Chi masters are skilled acupuncturists or benefit from acupuncture care as part of maintaining balanced health. In more modern times, acupuncture is a standard of practice for many professional athletic associations and Olympic training centers. Many NBA players have used acupuncture, including Chandler Parsons, Grant Hill, Kevin Johnson, Steve Nash, Charles Barkley, Jason Kidd, Hot Rod Williams, Jeff Hornacek, Dwayne Wade, Shaquille O’Neal and Vladimir Radmonovic. Football players such as Morten Anderson, Joe Montana and Michael Strahan regularly used acupuncture for recuperation. Golfers including Gary Player and Fred Couples also employed acupuncture for injury recovery. The same is true for baseball. The San Francisco Giants have a team acupuncturist as do many other teams. Former San Francisco Giants pitcher Randy Johnson was a regular acupuncture patient. Pitcher A.J. Burnett didn’t sign to the New York Yankees until general manager Brian Cashman agreed to add a team acupuncturist.
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