Prior studies have demonstrated that ear acupuncture reduces anxiety prior to dental treatments, surgery and during ambulance transport. In a recent study, researchers compared the sedative impact of ear acupuncture using standard filiform needles versus “sham” needles that don’t have a penetrating tip (thereby eliminating the placebo effect as a cause). The researchers documented both anti-anxiety and sedative effects of true ear acupuncture on EEG measurements of sedation as well as patient ratings. In related research, investigators concluded that acupuncture relieves generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), a condition characterized by excessively intense and debilitating chronic anxiety. Many studies focus on the ability of acupuncture to reduce anxiety for specific conditions or situations. One recent study concludes that acupuncture reduces anxiety in women undergoing IVF (in vitro fertilization). Another recent study receiving a great deal of attention is one that demonstrates that acupuncture reduces anxiety over dental procedures. Researchers conducted another double-blind study which concluded that both auricular acupuncture and body acupuncture are effective in reducing pre and post-operative anxiety.
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