Numerous well-controlled research studies have concluded that acupuncture is effective for the treatment of chronic low back pain. A large scale analysis of a multitude of studies finds acupuncture effective for the relief of low back pain. In a meta-analysis of 11 randomized-controlled trials, researchers note that “current evidence is encouraging in that acupuncture may be more effective than medication….” They note that, “Compared with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acupuncture may more effectively improve symptoms of acute lower back pain.” The study eliminated variables such as the placebo effect by using sham (simulated) acupuncture controls to ensure the validity of the data. Research has also focused on the cost effectiveness of acupuncture treatment for low back pain. Canadian researchers found that over the course of a year acupuncture patients saw doctors 49% less after having acupuncture and spent 37% less on services. Multidisciplinary approaches have also been studied. A new study finds that acupuncture combined with massage is more effective for treating lumbar disc herniation (LDH) than coenzyme B12 injections combined with physiotherapy. Other very serious investigations found acupuncture effective for back pain related to pancreatic cancer pain. Acupuncture now has an established track record for the relief of low back pain. This is supported by clinical trials, laboratory experiments and meta-analyses. In addition, mounting evidence now finds acupuncture cost-effective for the treatment of low back pain. The slow and steady integration of acupuncture into conventional medical settings combined with acupuncture continuing education and research now brings acupuncture into the mainstream for the treatment of acute and chronic pain.