Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pain Relief



Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pain Relief

Published on May 4, 2014 by Tai Chi Acupuncture & Wellness Center

When it comes to treating pain, a new study published in the journal of Current Biology suggests Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been getting it right for thousands of years. Dr. Olivier Civelli, a pharmacologist at UC Irvine collaborated with Xinmiao Liang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian in northeast China to study the effects of the Corydalis plant. Dr.Liang is the lead researcher of the “Herbalome Project” -- an ambitious endeavor launched in 2008 to catalog all the active ingredients in traditional Chinese medicines. The active ingredient in the Corydalis plant, dehydrocorybulbine (DHCB) was synthesized and found to significantly reduce three different kinds of pain in mice—with no addictive effects. Civelli reports that this medicine has been around for a long time because it works, and should one day become a significant pain reduction regimen in the West.

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