

COVID-19 Protocols and Safety Procedures

December 01, 2020

Dear Patient,

This statement is to communicate with you regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and to share the actions we are taking to support the well-being of our staff and patients.

Your health and safety are top priority for us, and with concerns of Coronavirus, we want you to know that we are committed to doing our part to keep both our patients and staff healthy. We continue to monitor the spread of the Coronavirus and are keeping a close eye on official information including guidance published by the CDC and the WHO.

*** To keep everybody safe, all patients will have their temperature taken upon arrival and will also be asked to sign a COVID-19 waiver. If you have a temperature of 100.0 or higher, we will ask that you leave and reschedule your treatment when you are fever free for 24 hours as well as remaining free of any other symptoms of illness. ***

Following best practices, we continue to thoroughly disinfect our space and our equipment/furniture with medical-grade, non-toxic cleaning solutions before and after each patient. We have added frequent disinfection of high contact surfaces and areas in our clinics. UV air purifiers have been added to the treatment rooms as an additional precaution to keep our staff and patients safe. Employees are all expected to complete Blood Borne Pathogen Certification upon hire and to renew the certification yearly. Our increased sanitation and hygiene procedures for our staff members include washing and disinfecting hands before, during and after each patient and wearing masks.

In addition, we are taking proactive, preventative measures to protect against exposure to the virus by encouraging patient education and hygiene:

- Masks are required upon entry and must be properly worn during the entire treatment and while in the clinic.

- Adding hand sanitizing supplies to many areas of our wellness center including the front desk, waiting area and treatment rooms for patient use. Please use them upon entering our space or wash your hands before your treatment.

- Clear and frequent communications with our teams in the wellness center to be aware of all CDC and WHO updates and instructions.

We want every patient to feel safe coming to our center AND we want you to do your part also. Please call us if you are not feeling well as we want our patients to stay home if they are feeling sick. Please be mindful of our cancellation policy as we will be taking each call on a case by case basis. We are a small business and our main concern is the health and wellbeing of our patients.

Please feel free to contact us at any time with any questions or concerns.


Tai Chi Acupuncture Management Team

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