

We got a very nice letter from Maureen! Thank you a lot for sharing!!

November 06, 2014

We got a very nice letter from Maureen! Thank you a lot for sharing!!

CK Chen

We are so grateful that we crossed paths with you. My prayers after almost four long years were answered. You and Kuan have done what so many others could not. We are ecstatic everyday to see Patrick being able to experience life with less or no pain. He is now communicating, smiling, happy and involved in life again. No more hiding away in darkness alone. His school reported to me this week they are seeing more focus and less time at the nurse’s office resting. For the past four years we have lived by the saying ‘Some see a hopeless end, while others see and endless hope. “Holding strong to the thought of endless hope and prayer has been what has kept us all continuing to forge ahead. We are anxious to continue on with Kuan after you leave. Thank you for all you have done for Patrick and our family. You forever hold a place in our hearts.


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